Advanced Soft Tissue Surgery | North Conway Skip to Main Content Skip to Footer

Advanced Soft Tissue Surgery

Surgery on eyes, ears, and other soft tissue areas.

At North Country Animal Hospital, our veterinarians have experience performing a number of soft tissue surgeries including cardiovascular, urogenital, gastrointestinal, and pulmonary surgery. As always, your pet's safety remains our top priority which is why we utilize only the most advanced anesthetic and surgical techniques.

All pets undergoing surgery receive:

  • Pre-anesthetic blood work
  • Anesthesia
  • Experienced monitoring support
  • IV catheter placement
  • Pain medication

Following surgery, your pet will be kept comfortable and closely monitored while the effects of anesthesia wear off. Wanting to rest for the remainder of the day is normal, but if you’re concerned about your pet’s post-op behavior, please don’t hesitate to call us at (603) 356-5538. 

Before we can hospitalize your pet or provide them with surgical care, you’ll need to download, fill out, and sign our anesthesia authorization form. You can bring a hard copy with you or fax us the form at (603) 356-5017. 

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North Country Animal Hospital